Almost everything we do is governed by
time. Our alarm goes off every morning;
we have trains to catch or a time to leave to avoid the worst of the
traffic. Our jobs dictate that we take
lunch at a dictated time; the kids must be picked up from school, our favourite
TV programme starts at a certain time.
Just think about it: how many times a day do you look at your phone,
your watch or a clock – time rules us all…
The bush is not governed by time. The animals do not complicate their life in
the same way that we do. Therefore, when
conducting a course and experiencing the bush in its purest fashion, why should
A few days ago the students at Karongwe were able to experience the
delight of a day unpressurised by time constraints. Lorraine, the chef, dutifully prepared for us
a packed lunch and we piled into the land rover at first light with the
intention of spending a full day in the magnificent world that surrounds us and
exploring new areas of the reserve. We
did not have long to wait….
During the previous evening, the chilling
calls of the resident hyaenas had echoed up and down the drainage line running
alongside the camp. Perhaps only 200
metres out, we encountered Giggles, the matriarch of the local clan lying in the
road. Soon after she was joined by
another female and a sub adult and they slowly loped away up the sandy pathway
in their typical ungainly fashion.
Giggles however was limping badly (although we could see no obvious
cause for her discomfort) and despite their unsavoury reputation, the hyaenas
showed us a gentler side of their nature by constantly looking back at her to
check on her progress, ensuring that she was not separated from her family.
The next few hours (although in keeping
with the theme of this article, I honestly could not tell you how long actually
passed) ticked by as we marveled at the diversity of species and behaviour
encountered on the reserve. We watched a
brown hooded kingfisher catch a cricket and manoeuvre it expertly in its
elongated beak before swallowing it whole; a harem of zebras traversing the
road which elicited the obvious ‘zebra crossing’ jokes and the comical antics
of a baboon troop as they squabbled in the branches of an imperious jackelberry
tree, whilst a resplendent nyala bull watched on.
Despite racking up countless hours of bush
time over the past 2 weeks, the students had not yet seen an elephant in the
flesh. We had seen fresh tracks and even
heard breaking branches in the undergrowth but the architects of the landscape
had continued to elude us.
today. After a period of unknown time,
we came across a herd quietly feeding next to the road. My attempts to discuss the intricacies of
elephantine behaviour were lost on them for the first 10 minutes as all sat,
mouth agape with cameras seemingly surgically attached to their faces! One of the big bulls gave us a great display
of his power as he ruthlessly dispatched half of a sickle bush tree in one swipe
of his formidable tusks! As is often the
way in the bush, this exhibition of destruction was immediately balanced by the
comical arrival of a young calf, keen to see what all the fuss was about, and
perhaps to pick up some tips on how best to augment his own capabilities. We watched the gentle creatures interact with
each other, delighting in their tactile nature as a calf placed its trunk in
its mother’s mouth to sample her choice of food, for an unspecified amount of
time before heading off to find shady spot for lunch.
After a pleasant and lazy lunch overlooking
the waning Makutsi River (under the watchful gaze of a stunning male giraffe)
observing a variety of birds going about their daily activities, including a
stunning white-fronted bee eater, we headed off to try and catch a glimpse of a
lion pride that had been spotted earlier close by. However, their alleged location proved
fruitless as we drove round and around the area, eyes scanning the undergrowth
in the hope of picking up the flick of an ear or the twitch of a tail.
Eventually we picked up on fresh spoor
leading away from their previous resting place and joined in with another
vehicle to track them down. Finally we
were rewarded for our diligent work when we bumped into 2 lionesses about 10
meters off the road. As we watched the
muscular predators scan the bush ahead of us, the magnificent male appeared
from behind a bush and confidently strode over to join his ladies. The wind was strong and his mane billowed in
the breeze like a model on a photo-shoot as he greeted the huntresses like a
general marshaling his troops.
They crossed the road a mere 5 meters from
our car, their toned muscles rippled as their powerful feet struck the ground
and their whiskers twitched gently as they sampled the air for potential
prey. Something caught their attention
and keen eyes were suddenly focused on a sound in the thick bush beyond. Like a well-oiled machine, the 2 females
broke rank and slipped silently into the undergrowth and out of view. The male seemed despondent about having to
move any further during the heat of the day but diligently followed his ladies
from a distance. Despite our efforts we
were unable to relocate them but the quality of the sighting more than made up
for its brevity! We all commented how
fortunate we had been – 2 minutes earlier and we would have driven past them
before they appeared form the bush, 2 minutes later and we would have missed
them. It was another great example of
how life has a way of happening whilst you are planning it. Structure is a good thing but sometimes,
listening to the rhythm of nature and letting things just happen can be
extremely rewarding!
Finally we arrived back at camp, only then
realising that we had spent nearly 9 hours deep in Africa’s glorious
garden. We
had been thoroughly entertained by countless animals, mesmerized by their
actions and interactions and left in awe by some of the ancient gnarled trees
that shape the landscape. Coupled with
the backdrop of the towering Drakensburg Mountains the day had been an absolute
treat. Not once did we worry about the
time. Not once were we concerned that we
would miss an appointment. It was
freedom in its purest sense and despite the time we spent out, we all felt
refreshed and empowered by the experience.
Perhaps we should all take a leaf out of nature’s well paged book and
learn to forget about the metaphorical jail that we build for ourselves out of
words such as seconds, minutes and hours, and just relax.
Author and photos by Ben Coley
The bush is not governed by time. The animals do not complicate their life in the same way that we do. Therefore, when conducting a course and experiencing the bush in its purest fashion, why should we? A few days ago the students at Karongwe were able to experience the delight of a day unpressurised by time constraints. Lorraine, the chef, dutifully prepared for us a packed lunch and we piled into the land rover at first light with the intention of spending a full day in the magnificent world that surrounds us and exploring new areas of the reserve. We did not have long to wait….
During the previous evening, the chilling calls of the resident hyaenas had echoed up and down the drainage line running alongside the camp. Perhaps only 200 metres out, we encountered Giggles, the matriarch of the local clan lying in the road. Soon after she was joined by another female and a sub adult and they slowly loped away up the sandy pathway in their typical ungainly fashion. Giggles however was limping badly (although we could see no obvious cause for her discomfort) and despite their unsavoury reputation, the hyaenas showed us a gentler side of their nature by constantly looking back at her to check on her progress, ensuring that she was not separated from her family.
The next few hours (although in keeping with the theme of this article, I honestly could not tell you how long actually passed) ticked by as we marveled at the diversity of species and behaviour encountered on the reserve. We watched a brown hooded kingfisher catch a cricket and manoeuvre it expertly in its elongated beak before swallowing it whole; a harem of zebras traversing the road which elicited the obvious ‘zebra crossing’ jokes and the comical antics of a baboon troop as they squabbled in the branches of an imperious jackelberry tree, whilst a resplendent nyala bull watched on.
Until today. After a period of unknown time, we came across a herd quietly feeding next to the road. My attempts to discuss the intricacies of elephantine behaviour were lost on them for the first 10 minutes as all sat, mouth agape with cameras seemingly surgically attached to their faces! One of the big bulls gave us a great display of his power as he ruthlessly dispatched half of a sickle bush tree in one swipe of his formidable tusks! As is often the way in the bush, this exhibition of destruction was immediately balanced by the comical arrival of a young calf, keen to see what all the fuss was about, and perhaps to pick up some tips on how best to augment his own capabilities. We watched the gentle creatures interact with each other, delighting in their tactile nature as a calf placed its trunk in its mother’s mouth to sample her choice of food, for an unspecified amount of time before heading off to find shady spot for lunch.

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